Griffin & Howe Serial Number Ranges 1930-1967.Browning Firearms Serial Numbers and Date of Manufacture.Baker Guns- Models, Descriptions and Serial Ranges.AYA Serial Numbers and Date of Manufacturers.(Identify Variations/Years and Serial Numbers/Years) Other websites that may help (Information from websites other than the manufacturer website should be examined with some skepticism) : Date Codes, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Winchester Rifles, Winchester Rifle & Shotgun 1969+, Winchester Shotguns. Date Codes, Ithaca Gun Co., Charles Lancaster, Joseph Lang, Marlin Firearms, Mauser Broomhandles, Parker Brothers Shotguns, Piotti, James Purdey, Remington Date Code & SxS Shotguns, Savage/Stevens, LC Smith, Smith & Wesson, Spanish Year of Mfg. The Blue Book of Used Gun Values offers serial numbers for the following makers:ĪYA, Boss & Co., Ltd, Browning, EJ Churchill, Colt, Colt Black Powder 2nd Gen, John Dickson & Son, AH Fox, German early Date Codes, German Modern Date Codes, Stephen Grant, WW Greener, Harrington & Richardson, High Standard, Holland & Holland, Italian Year of Mfg. To help you determine the year made, find your serial number and then select a link from those below to sites that offer serial dates. Knowing the year your vintage firearm was made makes it easier to decide which gun catalog we sell will give you the best information about the company, models made and more. The butt plate is missing, and like I said there is no name id's anywhere on the gun, it appears to have no rifling in side.SERIAL NUMBERS OFTEN ALLOW YOU TO DETERMINE YEAR OF MANUFACTURE Does anyone know how we can find out if it is a real H & A, or what brand it is. It needs work and we do not plan to fire it until we have it fully checked out and repaired.

Hopkins & allen serial number-year made table, hopkins allen safety police serial numbers, hopkins allen serial number lookup, hopkins allen. Other than the Hopkins & Allen stamp the only. No idea as to the date other than the period assumption (1898-1914). Approximate Serial Number Range of the XL. Thames Arms Company? It is believed that these guns were already altered before the Rollin White patet expired in 1869.